FreeBASIC es multiplataforma, es de código abierto ( GPL ) es para Microsoft Windows, y en modo protegido de DOS, Linux , FreeBSD y Xbox. La versión de Xbox ya no se mantiene.

Según su sitio web oficial,  FreeBASIC proporciona compatibilidad con la sintaxis de los programas escritos originalmente en Microsoft QuickBASIC (QB). A diferencia de QuickBASIC, sin embargo, FreeBASIC funciona en una única línea de comandos del compilador, a menos que los usuarios instalen manualmente un entorno de desarrollo integrado (IDE) externo de su elección. IDE hechos específicamente para FreeBASIC incluyen FBide y FbEdit.

En resumidas cuentas: La instalación simplemente es complejisima, su compatibilidad con Quick BASIC la desconozco, el funcionamiento me parece muy pobre. Es cierto que si tiene muchísimos programas de ejemplo. Se puede probar, pero a mí personalmente no me convence mucho.

'' This fbgfx example deals with:
'' - palette
'' - multiple pages and double buffering
'' - direct access to the screen memory
'' - drawing to GET/PUT buffers

#define MAX_EXPLOSIONS     32

#include ""

const FALSE = 0
const TRUE = (-1)

sprite as ubyte ptr
x as integer
y as integer
used as integer
count as integer
end type

sub animate_fire(byval buffer as ubyte ptr, byval new_ as integer = 0)
dim w as integer, h as integer, pitch as integer
dim c0 as integer, c1 as integer, c2 as integer, c3 as integer
dim header as FB.PUT_HEADER ptr

header = cast(FB.PUT_HEADER ptr, buffer)
w = header->width
h = header->height
pitch = header->pitch

if new_ then
line buffer, (0, 0)-(w-1, h-1), 0, bf
for i as integer = 0 to 5
circle buffer, ((w\4)+(rnd*(w\2)), (h\4)+(rnd*(h\2))), (w\6), 191,,,,F
for y as integer = 1 to h-2
for x as integer = 1 to w-2
c0 = buffer[32 + (y * pitch) + x - 1]
c1 = buffer[32 + (y * pitch) + x + 1]
c2 = buffer[32 + ((y - 1) * pitch) + x]
c3 = buffer[32 + ((y + 1) * pitch) + x]
c0 = ((c0 + c1 + c2 + c3) \ 4) - rnd*2
if (cint(c0) < 0) then c0 = 0
buffer[32 + (y * pitch) + x] = c0
end if
end sub

dim pal(256) as integer, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer
dim work_page as integer

screen 14, 8, 3
randomize timer

'' load image and get palette
screenset 2
bload exepath() & "/../fblogo.bmp"
palette get using pal

'' image uses first 64 colors; since we need colors 0-191, we need to move
'' these 64 colors into colors 192-255.
dim as byte ptr pixel = screenptr()
for i as integer = 0 to (320*240)-1
pixel[i] = 192 + pixel[i]
for i as integer = 0 to 63
pal(192+i) = pal(i)

'' create fire palette
for i as integer = 0 to 63
pal(i) = i
pal(64+i) = &h3F or (i shl 8)
pal(128+i) = &h3F3F or (i shl 16)
palette using pal

'' start demo
screenset 1, 0
work_page = 1

screencopy 2, work_page

for i as integer = 0 to MAX_EXPLOSIONS-1
if (explosion(i).used = FALSE) and ((rnd*50) < 1) then
dim as integer size = (MAX_EXPLOSION_SIZE\4) + (rnd*((MAX_EXPLOSION_SIZE*3)/4))

with explosion(i)
.sprite = imagecreate( size, size )
.x = rnd*320
.y = rnd*240
.used = TRUE
.count = 192
end with

animate_fire( explosion(i).sprite, TRUE )
end if

if explosion(i).used then
animate_fire( explosion(i).sprite )

put (explosion(i).x, explosion(i).y), explosion(i).sprite, trans

explosion(i).count -= 1
if explosion(i).count <= 0 then
explosion(i).used = FALSE
end if
end if

work_page xor= 1
screenset work_page, work_page xor 1
loop while inkey = ""

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